Potato-Pumpkin Paratha

An unleavened flatbread made by stuffing potato, pumpkin, and other Indian spices to whole wheat dough and cooked on a hot tawa.

Planning & Pre-Preparation: 20 mins
Resting Time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 5 mins.


Ingredients 1:

  1. Wheat Flour - 1 Cup
  2. Salt - Per taste
  3. Oil - 1/2 Tbsp.
  4. Water - 1/4 Cup.

Ingredients 2 – Potato-Pumpkin Stuffing:

  1. Potato - 3 medium-sized (boiled)
  2. Pumpkin - 100 Gms (boiled)
  3. Ginger (Chopped) - 2 Tsp.
  4. Green Chilly (Chopped) - 2 small
  5. Coriander leaves (Chopped) - 2 Tsp.
  6. Garam Masala - 1 Tsp.
  7. Turmeric powder - 1/4 Tsp.
  8. Salt - per taste


  • Preparing Paratha Dough:
  1. In a mixing bowl add wheat flour, salt, and oil, and mix well.
  2. Start adding water little by little to form a soft dough.
  3. Grease oil to the dough and let it rest for 20 mins.

  • Preparing Potato-Pumpkin Stuffing:
  1. In another mixing bowl, start adding Ingredients 2 – Potato-Pumpkin Stuffing and mix well.
  2. Once the mixture is well combined, start shaping it into balls and keep aside.

  • Potato-Pumpkin Paratha preparation:

  1. After 20 mins of dough resting, start kneading the dough again.
  2. Take a medium ball sized dough and roll it to circular shape by dusting wheat flour.
  3. Take one potato-pumpkin stuffing and place it on the rolled paratha.
  4. Start making pleats and secure the dough tight by removing the excess.
  5. Roll gently by dusting wheat flour and place it on a hot tawa.
  6. Flip to the other side when one side is done. Cook both sides well and drizzle some ghee over the paratha.
  7. Delicious Potato-pumpkin paratha is ready. Serve with Curd & pickle.  


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