Kaju Kesar Peda

Pedas are the most common sweet dish in India. We usually prepare different types of pedas. One among them is Kaju Kesar peda. This recipe is quickly made in under 20 mins of time. We prepare this recipe by using milk powder, Kesar milk, Cashew/Kaju powder, sugar, and ghee.

Planning & Pre-Preparation: 5 mins

Soaking time: 10 mins

Cooking time: 15 mins

Yields: 12 pieces.


  • Milk – 1 Cup
  • Saffron strands/Kesar strands /Kumkuma strands – 25-30
  • Cashew/Kaju – ¼ Cup 
  • Clarified butter/Ghee – 4 Tbsp.
  • Milk Powder – 1 Cup
  • Powdered Sugar – ½ Cup
  • Cardamom/Elachi powder – ½ Tsp.


  • Soak Saffron strands/Kesar strands /Kumkuma strands in milk for about 10 mins.
  • To a mixer grinder add Cashew/Kaju and grind to a fine powder and keep aside.
  • To a pan add Clarified butter/Ghee and Kesar milk.
  • Then start adding milk powder and ground Cashew/Kaju. Keep stirring continuously to avoid lumps.
  • Now add powdered sugar and keep stirring to avoid lumps.
  • After few mins, the mixture will start to get solidified.
  • Add Cardamom/Elachi powder and mix it well. 
  • After few more mins, the mixture will get completely thickened and a wavy pattern will be formed.
  • Switch off the flame and transfer the mixture to a bowl lined with butter paper. Let it cool down.
  • Once cooled, Take a small lemon-sized dough and shape it into pedas and press the thumb finger on the top of peda.
  • Delicious Kaju Kesar peda is ready!!!


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